Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Sleep? Who needs sleep? So It's 5am and I finally finished after a pretty catastrophic mistake... (somehow I managed to squirt a huge glob of black paint all over the painting and since I'm using comart paint even the smallest drop of spit will activate the paint again and take it right down to the gesso! so theres no wiping it off) so after 6 more hours of painting I got it back together again! And now I'm off to drive to Florida...

Monday, March 15, 2010

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Thursday, March 11, 2010

still mixing colors...

All this paint is making me hungry! It's break time! I need a P,B and J!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

BALLS! er, ehh, ball...

I'm suppost to be doing that painting, I'm suppost to be updating this blog with lots of pictures of said painting... instead i'm painting a ball, a soccer ball none the less! this is for someones nephew... and that person is a bad uncle cause he didnt get him anything besides this, and the worst part is that he can also draw but chooses not to... so hooray me!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

After some unsuccesful phone blog attempts, I decided to do this the old fasion way! so heres a W.I.P. pic of a painting I'm doing for my old roomate. He wants to give it as a anniversary present to his wife on march 20th I believe... Although he's given me one year to do this and I've decided to wait till the last minute, I'm still wondering why he didnt want to do this himself since it would probably mean more... and did mention he is a very talented artist himself? anyway... I cut out all the frisket and mixed and sprayed one color and then decided I needed a lunch break! now that I'm back and working on it again, I'll keep posting progress pics... and hope I finish in time!